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Security tips1. Do not reveal passwords over phone/email etc. to any person including Bank.2. Change your password regularly. Keep your password a combination of alphbets, special characters and numbers.3. Use on-screen KEYPAD for logging when you are not using your own PC.4. Don't Click on website links/attachments in un-known/suspicious emails. These links may take you to replica of bank's website and ask for keying in your user-id & password(s).5. In case of doubt,reconfirm the PNB's website by double clicking the 'padlock' symbol/icon in address bar to ensure the site is running in secure mode BEFORE you input any confidential/sensitive information.6. Clicking on the 'padlock' symbol/icon and on server certification symbol will display details of the server certification in the favour of Punjab National Bank.7. To ensure safe and genuine login,always enter bank's website either through or In case there is any call, please confirm that call is from the authorized person of the bank.9. Our bank doesnt ask for details of your account/pin/password. Therefore any one pretending to be asking you information from the bank/technical team may be fraudulent entities, so please beware. You should know how to operate net transactions and if you are not familiar you may refrain from doing so. You may seek bank's guidance in this regard. Bank is not resposible for online transaction going wrong. We shall also not be responsible for wrong transactions and wanton disclosure of details by you. Viewing option and transactions option on the net are different. You may exercise your option diligently.Demo VideosSole Proprietor OnboardingSole Proprietor Onboarding